
To whom are we to pray, the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit?

All prayer should be directed to our triune God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Bible teaches that we can pray to one or all three, because all three are one. To the Father we pray with the psalmist, “Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for to you I pray” (Psalm 5:2). To the Lord Jesus, we pray as to the Father because they are equal. Prayer to one member of the Trinity is prayer to all. Stephen, as he was being martyred, prayed, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit” (Acts...



There are six different types of fasts in the Bible. 1. Normal - abstaining from food. Example: Jesus “ate nothing during those days, and at the end of them was hungry” (Luke 4:2). 2. Absolute - abstaining from food and water; normally no more than 3 days. Examples: For three days Paul was blind, and did not eat or drink anything” (Acts 9:9), Moses (Deut....


Does God Punish Us When We Sin..?

God hates sin. He does not like his children involved in it, and He pleads with everyone to repent of their sin and to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior. However, sometimes sin gives God no other choice but to punish us unless we repent or turn away from it. God's punishment is sometimes complex to our limited minds; therefore, we sometimes develop attitudes that God will immediately punish us for even the slightest mistake....

Christian Advice for Newlyweds.

Congratulations on your recent wedding. It may have been last week or a few years ago, but if you consider yourself a newlywed and are looking for Christian advice, I hope this will be a help and encouragement to you. Even if you are not a newlywed, you may find help in these simple reminders. Make Your Spouse Your Best Friend You don’t have to sever ties with other friends when you get married; however, you should build a relationship with your spouse that will endure through your life....

Does God hear / answer the prayers of a unbeliever / sinner...??

Does God hear the prayers of the unbelievers?  Will He answer prayer requests of the unsaved?  If someone is not a Christian, will God still answer their prayer?  Is there any hope for God answering prayers for those who don’t believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior? Praying in God’s Will  It is clear from scripture that God not only hears prayers of His saints, but that He also answers their prayers.  God says to Christians that He will listen to your...

Why Does God Wait to Answer Prayer...???

 Why would God wait to answer our prayers?  Wouldn’t we expect that since God is all-powerful that He would answer immediately?  What is the purpose for God’s delaying our prayer requests? Outside of God’s Will One reason that God may not answer our prayers or that He waits is that we are asking for the wrong thing.  We may be asking for something that is not in God’s will for our lives and we might be asking for selfish reasons.  James, the half-brother of Jesus...
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