
Which Seed are You?

In our daily walk with God, one thing that can never be avoided is the obstacles that spring up along the way. Ten percent of life is made up of things and incidents we cannot control, whilst the other ninety percent is how we react to them. This is what determines who we become and why we're so different from each other. Hence how someone reacts to an obstacle in their way determines who they become - do I emerge the stronger or the weaker through this?

In Jesus' parable of the Sower and the Seed, he speaks about a sower, who represents God, dropping seeds over four types of land - pathways, rocky ground, thorn plants and good soil. The seeds that fell along the different types of land produced different results.

The ones that fell along the pathway were stepped on or gobbled up by hungry birds. This stood for those who heard God's word, but allowed the devil to come and blacken their hearts in order to keep them from believing and being saved.

The seeds that fell onto rocky ground sprouted, true, but very quickly they dried up and died because there was no moisture in the ground to help them grow. In the same way, this stands for the people who have heard God's word and they receive it gladly at first, singing praises and jumping and dancing. But when a time for testing of their faith comes, they cripple and fall.

Then we have the seeds that fell amongst the thorns. While the seeds were able to sprout and grow, they grew alongside the sharp thorns and eventually were choked up by them from all directions. What this means is that there are people who have heard the Word, but they are far too distracted by the things of this world and therefore end up choking themselves. Hence their fruit will never ripen.

Finally we have the seeds that fall onto good, healthy, brown, moist soil. The seeds of course grow up into beautiful tall healthy plants, bearing good fruit. Jesus explains that this stands for people who have heard God's word, not only receive it gladly, but retain it with good and obedient hearts. Though tests or trials are flung at them, they persist and preservere until they bear good, tasty fruit.

Now comes the time for you as a Christian to do a reflection and really ask yourself:

Am I the seed that falls along the path, letting the devil take control of me and everything I do?

Am I the seed that falls on rocky ground, when I'm given the opportunity to hear God's word, but I am like a 'Convenient Christian' and only praise Him when things are comfortable and going well and all right for me?

Am I the seed that even falls amongst the thorns, distracted by things of this world like money, romance, computer games or so many other things till I forget where to look for God at all and neglect my time with him completely?

Or am I the seed that falls along the good soil, grows and flourishes into beautiful plants that bear good harvest, harvest that will feed thousands and help them to grow too?

Because it only takes one plant. . .

. . . to grow into many plants . . .

. . . and become an enormous field of good harvest and fruit.

So which Seed are you?


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